Pelican Airport
VFR Chart of CFT8
Sectional Charts at SkyVector.com
IFR Chart of CFT8
Enroute Charts at SkyVector.com
Location Information for CFT8
Coordinates: N56°9.65' / W113°28.42'View all Airports in Alberta, Canada.
Elevation is 2059 feet MSL.
Magnetic Variation from 2013 is 16° East
Time Zone is UTC-7(6).
Operations Data
Airport Communications
Aerodrome Traffic Frequency (ATF) | UNICOM (AU) limited hours other times traffic 122.8 5NM 5100 ASL |
Nearby Navigation Aids
Runway 07/25
Dimensions: | 3872 x 75 feet. | |
Surface: | asphalt | |
Remarks | Rwy 07 up 0.98% | |
Runway 07 | Runway 25 | |
Runway Heading: | 074° | 254° |
Runway Conditions Reporting Source
780-891-4100/4361 Ltd win maint
Flight Planning
Flight Information Centre (FIC) | Edmonton 866-WXBRIEF (Toll free within Canada) or 866-541-4102 (Toll free within Canada & USA) |
Area Control Centre (ACC) | Edmonton IFR 888-358-7526 |
Weather (WX) | ALTIMETER/WIND 780-891-4100 ldt hrs (see COMM) |
Aerodrome Operator
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
780-714-4632 Reg PPR
Nearby Airports with Instrument Procedures
ID | Name | Heading / Distance | ||
CYZH | Slave Lake Airport | 204° | 68.4 | |
CYMM | Fort McMurray Airport | 051° | 80.6 | |
CAL4 | Fort MacKay/Albian Airport | 029° | 93.3 | |
CYNR | Fort Mackay/Horizon Airport | 021° | 93.9 | |
CYLB | Lac La Biche Airport | 132° | 97.0 | |
CYFI | Fort MacKay/Firebag Airport | 033° | 106.3 |