Kangiqsualujjuaq (Georges River) Airport
VFR Chart of CYLU
Sectional Charts at SkyVector.com
IFR Chart of CYLU
Enroute Charts at SkyVector.com
Location Information for CYLU
Coordinates: N58°42.68' / W65°59.57'View all Airports in Québec, Canada.
Elevation is 217 feet MSL.
Magnetic Variation from 2019 is 23° West
Time Zone is UTC-5(4).
Operations Data
Airport Communications
Mandatory Frequency (MF) | aprt Radio (English only) limited hours other times traffic 122.1 15NM 3300 ASL (CAR 602.98) |
Nearby Navigation Aids
Runway 16/34
Dimensions: | 3521 x 100 feet. | |
Surface: | GRVL | |
Remarks | Rwy 16 up 1.9% first 2620´. Rwy 34 down 0.9% first 890´. | |
Runway 16 | Runway 34 | |
Runway Heading: | 156° | 336° |
Approach Lights | Runway ID Lights (Strobes) | Runway ID Lights (Strobes) |
Runway Conditions Reporting Source
Services Available
Fuel Available | JA1(D), 100LL(D), Pilots must supply own pump. PPR. ltd hrs 819-337-5476. VISA credit card only. Other credit by prior arng only, ctc 800-363-7610 Ext 429 |
Public Facilities
Location | Facilities | Remarks |
In Terminal Building | Telephone | |
Within 5 NM | Food, Medical Aid, Accomodations |
Flight Planning
Flight Information Centre (FIC) | (bil) Québec 866-GOMÉTÉO or 866-WXBRIEF (Toll free within Canada) or 866-541-4105 (Toll free within Canada & USA) |
Area Control Centre (ACC) | Montréal 800-633-1353 |
Community Aerodrome Radio Station (CARS) | 819-337-1530 ltd hrs (see COMM) |
Weather (WX) | METAR dur CARS hrs (see COMM) O/T LWIS |
Aerodrome Operator
Administration Régionale Kativik
819-964-2968 14-22Z‡ Mon-Fri O/T
819-964-3434 Ext 154
Fax 819-964-2462 Cert
Appears to have PAPI
Appears to have PAPI installed for both ends on Google Earth. Also indicates NDB 295 YLU just west of parking area.