Samsun Carsamba Airport
VFR Chart of LTFH
Sectional Charts at SkyVector.com
IFR Chart of LTFH
Enroute Charts at SkyVector.com
Location Information for LTFH
Coordinates: N41°15.93' / E36°32.92'View all Airports in Samsun, Turkey.
Elevation is 17.0 feet MSL.
Operations Data
Airport Communications
CARSAMBA Approach: | 118.17 |
CARSAMBA Approach: | 118.22 |
CARSAMBA ATIS: | 129.35 |
CARSAMBA Ground Control: | 121.70 |
CARSAMBA Tower: | 118.27 |
CARSAMBA Tower: | 118.35 |
Nearby Navigation Aids
Runway 13/31
Dimensions: | 9843 x 148 feet / 3000 x 45 meters | |
Surface: | Hard | |
Runway 13 | Runway 31 | |
Coordinates: | N41°15.83' / E36°33.25' | N41°14.71' / E36°34.80' |
Elevation: | 8 | 17 |
Runway Heading: | 127° | 307° |
Nearby Airports with Instrument Procedures
ID | Name | Heading / Distance | ||
LTAP | Merzifon Airport | 241° | 53.4 | |
LTAW | Tokat Airport | 187° | 56.9 | |
LTCB | Ordu - Giresun Airport | 103° | 71.8 | |
LTCM | Sinop Airport | 304° | 80.4 | |
LTAR | Sivas/Nuri Demirag Airport | 169° | 88.5 | |
LTAL | Kastamonu Airport | 272° | 124.5 | |
LTCD | Erzincan / Yildirim Akbulut Airport | 123° | 164.8 |