Ardmore Airport
VFR Chart of NZAR
Sectional Charts at SkyVector.com
IFR Chart of NZAR
Enroute Charts at SkyVector.com
Location Information for NZAR
Coordinates: S37°1.78' / E174°58.40'View all Airports in Auckland, New Zealand.
Elevation is 111.0 feet MSL.
Operations Data
Airport Communications
AUCKLAND APPROACH Approach: | 120.10 |
AUCKLAND APPROACH Approach: | 124.30 |
ARDMORE AWIB: | 121.00 |
ARDMORE UNICOM Unicom: | 118.10 |
Nearby Navigation Aids
Runway 03R/21L
Dimensions: | 4629 x 148 feet / 1411 x 45 meters | |
Surface: | Hard | |
Runway 03R | Runway 21L | |
Coordinates: | S37°2.07' / E174°58.19' | S37°1.62' / E174°58.76' |
Elevation: | 107 | 109 |
Runway Heading: | 026° | 206° |
Displaced Threshold: | 351 Feet | 367 Feet |
Nearby Airports with Instrument Procedures
ID | Name | Heading / Distance | ||
NZAA | Auckland Airport | 278° | 8.8 | |
NZWP | Whenuapai Airport | 311° | 22.0 | |
NZPI | Parakai Airport | 310° | 34.5 | |
NZWT | Whitianga Airport | 070° | 35.9 | |
NZOF | Omaha Flats Airport | 345° | 42.2 | |
NZGB | Great Barrier Airport | 027° | 53.0 | |
NZHN | Hamilton Airport | 161° | 53.0 | |
NZOX | Okiwi Station Airport | 022° | 57.1 | |
NZTG | Tauranga Airport | 123° | 70.0 | |
NZWR | Whangarei Airport | 338° | 81.1 | |
NZTO | Tokoroa Airport | 149° | 84.6 | |
NZRO | Rotorua Airport | 135° | 91.1 |