Uralsk Airport
VFR Chart of UARR
Sectional Charts at SkyVector.com
IFR Chart of UARR
Enroute Charts at SkyVector.com
Location Information for UARR
Coordinates: N51°9.12' / E51°32.63'View all Airports in West Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan.
Elevation is 128.0 feet MSL.
Operations Data
Airport Communications
URALSK ATIS (EN) ATIS: | 124.80 |
URALSK ATIS (RU) ATIS: | 134.90 |
URALSK TOWER Tower: | 119.70 |
Nearby Navigation Aids
Runway 04/22
Dimensions: | 9183 x 148 feet / 2799 x 45 meters | |
Surface: | Hard | |
Runway 04 | Runway 22 | |
Coordinates: | N51°8.66' / E51°31.69' | N51°9.59' / E51°33.58' |
Elevation: | 122 | 128 |
Runway Heading: | 041° | 221° |