Kelowna Airport
VFR Chart of CYLW
Sectional Charts at SkyVector.com
IFR Chart of CYLW
Enroute Charts at SkyVector.com
Location Information for CYLW
Coordinates: N49°57.43' / W119°22.68'View all Airports in British Columbia, Canada.
Elevation is 1420 feet MSL.
Magnetic Variation from 2024 is 15° East
Time Zone is UTC-8(7).
Operations Data
Customs Information
AOE/30 (120 with staged off-loading) 888-226-7277
Airport Communications
Remote Communications Outlet (RCO) | Penticton Radio 119.6 (RAAS) 0630-1330Z‡ Pacific Radio 122.5 (FISE) 126.7 (bcst) |
Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) | 127.5 1330-0630Z‡ 250-491-0310 |
Ground Control (GND) | 121.7 1330-0630Z‡ |
Mandatory Frequency (MF) | Penticton Radio 119.6 0630-1330Z‡ CZ shape irregular 6500 ASL, comm blind spots all quads (CAR 602.98) |
Control Tower (TWR) | 119.6 292.2 (V) 1330-0630Z‡ (Emergency only 250-765-3426) |
Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) | 127.5 |
Nearby Navigation Aids
Runway 16/34
Dimensions: | 8900 x 200 feet. | |
Surface: | ||
Remarks | ASPH. Rwy 16 down 0.9% first 7237´ Rwy 34 down 0.6% first 1663´ | |
Runway 16 | Runway 34 | |
Runway Heading: | 160° | 340° |
Displaced Threshold: | 1200 feet | 400 feet |
Approach Lights | MALSF: Medium Intensity Approach Light System with Sequenced Flashing Lights | |
Glide Slope Indicator | PAPI for aircraft with eye-to-wheel height up to 25 feet. | PAPI for aircraft with eye-to-wheel height up to 25 feet. |
Helipad Information
North Parking Pad: 90’ dia ASPH
South Parking Pad: 90’ dia ASPH
Max heli overall length 75’. Heli prkg area to be accessed via rwy/twy. PN, ctc OPR.
Runway Conditions Reporting Source
Twr 250-765-3426 CRFI, PLR/PCN RSC issued 1200-0801Z‡ O/T 1hr PN
When CRFI falls blw 0.25, rwy avbl for take-off only, PN. Ctc Operator.
Taxiway Information
Twy F restricted to acft with wingspans less than 79´.
Twy D & twy E restricted to acft with wingspans less than 125´.
Apron Information
Apron I: Fixed wing acft only; heli prkg not auth. Prkg restricted to scheduled and non-
scheduled airline traffic. Acft not auth to perform 180° turns. Jet acft pushback all prkg
positions. Turbo-prop acft cw turn for power out or pushback only.
Apron III: Fixed wing acft only; heli prkg not auth. Prkg for commercial opr and acft
over 12,500 lbs 3 hr PPR. Lgt acft must remain in designated areas at all times.
KF Aerospace apron: PPR
Shell Aerocentre: Heli prkg PPR.
Services Available
Information | Kelowna Shell Aerocentre |
Fuel Available | 100LL, JA-1 (FSII avbl) |
Oil Available | All |
Servicing Available | Storage, Minor Repairs, Major Repairs, Extended Parking, Tie Downs, Plug-in |
Aircraft Rescue and Fire-fighting | DESIGNATED CAT 6 (CAT 7 1 hr PN) 1330-0830Z‡, O/T 2 hr PN, aprt clsd to acft 20 seats & abv, exc for diversions or as an altn A/D without PPR. Discrete emerg freq 122.675. |
Supporting Fluids, Systems, and Oxygen | LHOX, D-Ice, ADI |
Jet Aircraft Starting Units (JASU) | CEA2, CE3, CE14 |
Private Advisory | Kelowna Shell Aerocentre 123.0 250-765-8155 |
Military Contract Fuel | Kelowna Shell Aerocentre (Shell) 250-765-8155 |
Public Facilities
Location | Facilities | Remarks |
In Terminal Building | Telephone, Food, Taxi, Car Rental | 7 |
Within 5 NM | Medical Aid, Accomodations |
Flight Planning
Flight Information Centre (FIC) | Kamloops 866-WXBRIEF (Toll free within Canada) or 866-541-4101 (Toll free within Canada & USA) |
Weather (WX) | METAR AUTO H24 (see COMM) WxCam TAF H24, issue times: 01, 07, 13, 19Z. |
Aerodrome Operator
City of Kelowna 250-807-4350
H24 Cert
Nearby Airports with Instrument Procedures
ID | Name | Heading / Distance | ||
CYVK | Vernon Airport | 350° | 17.5 | |
CYYF | Penticton Airport | 181° | 31.0 | |
CYDC | Princeton Airport | 221° | 53.1 | |
CYKA | Kamloops Airport | 302° | 60.8 | |
KOMK | Omak Airport | 168° | 89.8 | |
CYXX | Abbotsford Airport | 230° | 129.4 | |
CZML | South Cariboo / 108 Mile Airport | 310° | 130.2 | |
KDEW | Deer Park Airport | 131° | 142.2 | |
KSZT | Sandpoint Airport | 115° | 149.1 | |
KAWO | Arlington Municipal Airport | 211° | 153.9 |
Itinerant Parking
Itinerant parking is available on Apron III on both sides of the Flying Club portable building, as of August 2016. This is viewable on the Parking Areas (Apron III) map [Canada Air Pilot - Effective 0901Z 15SEP 2016 to 0901Z 10 NOV 2016] and viewable in ForeFlight via the Maps view, under Airport / Procedures / Airport (6) / Parking Apron III map. Parking is $14/night payable to CYLW.
For further information on the Kelowna Flying Club visit http://kelownaflyingclub.com