CZFN - Tulita Airport |
CZFM - Fort McPherson Airport |
CYZF - Yellowknife Airport |
CYWY - Wrigley Airport |
CYWJ - Déline Airport |
CYWE - Wekweètì Airport |
CYVQ - Norman Wells Airport |
CYVL - Colville Lake/Tommy Kochon Airport |
CYUB - Tuktoyaktuk/James Gruben Airport |
CYSY - Sachs Harbour (David Nasogaluak Jr. Airport |
CYSM - Fort Smith Airport |
CYRA - Gamètì/Rae Lakes Airport |
CYPC - Paulatuk (Nora Aliqatchialuk Ruben) Airport |
CYOA - Ekati Airport |
CYLK - Lutselk'e Airport |
CYKD - Aklavik/Freddie Carmichael Airport |
CYJP - Fort Providence Airport |
CYJF - Fort Liard Airport |
CYHY - Hay River/Merlyn Carter Airport Airport |
CYHI - Ulukhaktok Airport |
CYGH - Fort Good Hope Airport |
CYFS - Fort Simpson Airport |
CYFR - Fort Resolution Airport |
CYEV - Inuvik (Mike Zubko) Airport |
CYD2 - Graham Lake (Yellow Dog Lodge) Seaplane Base |
CTM7 - Tundra Mine/Salmita Mine Airport |
CSK6 - Snap Lake Airport |
CRE2 - Rae/Edzo Airport |
CKV4 - Obre Lake/North of Sixty Airport |
CKP8 - Obre Lake/North of Sixty Seaplane Base |
CJP5 - Kasba Lake Seaplane Base |
CJN8 - Fort Reliance Seaplane Base |
CJL8 - Kasba Lake Airport |
CGK2 - Gahcho Kue Airport |
CFW5 - Taltson River Airport |
CFV5 - Virginia Falls Seaplane Base |
CFS2 - Fort Simpson (Great Slave No. 1) NT Airport |
CFF4 - Great Bear Lake Airport |
CFD8 - Fort Simpson (Great Slave No. 2) NT Airport |
CFB2 - Frank Channel (Forestry) Heliport |
CFA7 - Taltheilei Narrows Airport |
CEZ7 - Fort Simpson Island Seaplane Base |
CEW8 - Paulatuk Seaplane Base |
CEV9 - Snare River Airport |
CEU9 - Sambaa K'e Airport |
CEU8 - Norman Wells Seaplane Base |
CET9 - Jean Marie River Airport |
CET5 - Hay River (District) Heliport |
CET4 - Fort Simpson Island Airport |
CES9 - Great Bear Lake Seaplane Base |
CER6 - Aklavik Seaplane Base |
CEP9 - Namushka Lodge Seaplane Base |
CEN7 - Déline Seaplane Base |
CEM3 - Whatì Airport |
CEG9 - Sambaa K’e Seaplane Base |
CEF8 - Hay River Seaplane Base |
CEE3 - Inuvik/Shell Lake Seaplane Base |
CED9 - Taltheilei Narrows Seaplane Base |
CED7 - Colville Lake Seaplane Base |
CEC5 - Fort Smith (District) Heliport |
CDK2 - Diavik Airport |
CBX5 - Tungsten (Cantung) Airport |
CBH4 - Prairie Creek Airport |
CBD6 - Nahanni Butte Airport |
CBC2 - Ford Bay Airport |