Montréal/Met (Aéroport Métropolitain Airport
VFR Chart of CYHU
Sectional Charts at SkyVector.com
IFR Chart of CYHU
Enroute Charts at SkyVector.com
Location Information for CYHU
Coordinates: N45°31.08' / W73°25.02'View all Airports in Québec, Canada.
Elevation is 90 feet MSL.
Magnetic Variation from 2010 is 15° West
Time Zone is UTC-5(4).
Operations Data
Customs Information
AOE/15 888-226-7277 1330-0300Z Mon-Fri exc hols
Airport Communications
All Services BilingualRemote Communications Outlet (RCO) | Rouyn Radio 118.4 (RAAS) 0500-1045Z Tue-Sat, 0300-1045Z Sun-Mon Apr-Oct; 0400-1045Z Tue-Sat, 0100-1045Z Sun-Mon Nov-Mar |
Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) | (English) 124.9 (French) 124.1 1045-0500Z Mon-Fri, 1045-0300Z Sat-Sun Apr-Oct; 1045-0400Z Mon-Fri, 1045-0100Z Sat-Sun Nov-Mar |
Ground Control (GND) | St-Hubert 126.4 1045-0500Z Mon-Fri, 1045-0300Z Sat-Sun Apr-Oct; 1045-0400Z Mon-Fri, 1045-0100Z Sat-Sun Nov-Mar |
Mandatory Frequency (MF) | Rouyn Radio 118.4 0500-1045Z Tue-Sat, 0300-1045Z Sun-Mon Apr-Oct; 0400-1045Z Tue-Sat, 0100-1045Z Sun-Mon Nov-Mar 5NM shape irregular 2000 ASL (CAR 602.98) |
Control Tower (TWR) | St-Hubert 118.4 (VFR ARR North) 121.3 (VFR ARR South and East) (V) 1045-0500Z Mon-Fri, 1045-0300Z Sat-Sun Apr-Oct; 1045-0400Z Mon-Fri, 1045-0100Z Sat-Sun Nov-Mar (Emergency only 450-926-6458) |
Arrival (ARR) | Montréal 125.15 268.3 |
Departure (DEP) | Montréal 125.15 268.3 |
VFR Advisory (VFR ADV) | Montreal Tml 134.15 |
Military (MIL) | 438 Sqn Ops 322.1 135.9 |
Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) | 124.9 (English) 124.1 (French) 0500-1045Z Tue-Sat, 0300-1045Z Sun-Mon Apr-Oct; 0400-1045Z Tue-Sat, 0100-1045Z Sun-Mon Nov-Mar |
Nearby Navigation Aids
Runway 06L/24R
Dimensions: | 7801 x 150 feet. | |
Surface: | ||
Remarks | ASPH | |
Runway 06L | Runway 24R | |
Runway Heading: | 062° | 242° |
Displaced Threshold: | 1105 feet | |
Approach Lights | Runway ID Lights (Strobes) | SSALR: High Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights |
Glide Slope Indicator | PAPI for aircraft with eye-to-wheel height up to 25 feet. | PAPI for aircraft with eye-to-wheel height up to 25 feet. |
Runway 06R/24L
Dimensions: | 3922 x 100 feet. | |
Surface: | ||
Remarks | ASPH | |
Runway 06R | Runway 24L | |
Runway Heading: | 062° | 242° |
Runway 10/28
Dimensions: | 2420 x 150 feet. | |
Surface: | ||
Remarks | ASPH | |
Runway 10 | Runway 28 | |
Runway Heading: | 100° | 280° |
Runway Conditions Reporting Source
Operator 1200-2030Z Apr 01-Nov 30, 0330-2030Z Mon-Fri O/T 3 hrs PN
Dec 1-Mar 31. Rwy 06R/24L clsd 0400-1045Z Mon-Fri, 0100-1045Z Sat-Sun Dec-
Mar; avbl as twy btwn Twy P and Twy R. Rwy 10/28 clsd 0400-1045Z Mon-Fri,
0100-1045Z Sat-Sun Dec-Mar. Hydroplaning may occur on Rwy 06L/24R
(especially at intxn of twy L) dur heavy precipitation. CRFI, PLR/PCN
Services Available
Fuel Available | 100LL, JA-1 (FSII avbl), JP-4 F-34 |
Oil Available | All (Mil 123, 128, 133, 148, 156) |
Servicing Available | Storage, Minor Repairs, Extended Parking, Tie Downs, Pick-up/Drop-off only. No extended term parking |
Supporting Fluids, Systems, and Oxygen | D & A-Ice, LHOX 13-21Z Tue-Fri exc hols |
Jet Aircraft Starting Units (JASU) | Mil CE15, 16, CA2 |
Military Advisory | 438 Sqn Ops - Call "WILDCAT OPS" 322.1 135.9 450-462-8777 ext 7216 CSN 472-7216 13-21Z Mon-Fri. Ltd trans svcg. 24 hrs PN. |
Private Advisory | AvJet Distribution 123.025 450-678-4440; Pascan 131.17 888-313-8777, 450-443-0500; HUB FBO H-18 122.8 450-468-4400; LUX FBO 122.470 514-312-1885 |
Military Contract Fuel | Avjet Holding Inc 450-678-4440 |
Public Facilities
Location | Facilities | Remarks |
On Aerodrome | Telephone, Food, Taxi, Car Rental | |
Within 5 NM | Medical Aid, Accomodations |
Flight Planning
Instructions | (bil) |
Flight Information Centre (FIC) | Québec 866-GOMÉTÉO or 866-WXBRIEF (Toll free within Canada) or 866-541-4105 (Toll free within Canada & USA) |
Area Control Centre (ACC) | Montréal 514-633-3211 or 800-633-1353. All Flt Plns, IFR tng flts PPR. Flt Plns by Fax at 514-633-2877 & include phone numbers where pilot can be reached prior to dep. |
Weather (WX) | METAR AUTO H24 (see COMM) TAF H24, issue times: 00, 06, 12, 18Z. WxCam |
Aerodrome Operator
DASH-L 450-678-6030 Fax 450-462-0346 Cert Ldg fees
Nearby Airports with Instrument Procedures
ID | Name | Heading / Distance | ||
CYUL | Montréal/Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport | 273° | 14.0 | |
CYJN | St-Jean Airport | 171° | 14.6 | |
CYMX | Montréal International (Mirabel) Airport | 305° | 27.9 | |
CZBM | Bromont (Roland Désourdy) Airport | 130° | 31.6 | |
KFSO | Franklin County State Airport | 173° | 37.2 | |
CSC3 | Drummondville Airport | 080° | 47.1 | |
KPBG | Plattsburgh International Airport | 197° | 52.1 | |
KMAL | Malone-Dufort Airport | 239° | 55.6 | |
CYRQ | Trois-Rivières Airport | 046° | 58.8 | |
CMB7 | Maxville (Bourdon Farm) Airport | 270° | 60.9 | |
KEFK | Northeast Kingdom International Airport | 141° | 63.0 | |
KBTV | Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport | 184° | 63.8 |